Bike Ban
Manor, Texas is an ideal place for cyclists. The town, located 15-miles east of Austin, is surrounded by lush farmland. It’s situated amongst gently rolling hills and riddled with smooth country roads. On my first serious bike ride as a […]

Bicycle Boulevard
I have a confession to make. I watch city hall meetings on public access. I find it all fascinating: the minutiae of planning and zoning regulations; the back and forth between various commissioners, city staff, and stakeholders; the soundtrack of […]

Biking’s bad for your health
Breaking a collarbone is a common cycling injury. I’ve broken my left collarbone three times in three decades. The first time I broke it I was nine. I caught “mad air” off a jump while skiing at Squaw Valley and […]

The Brother Challenge
It’s about eight-miles from the top of the big hill on FM 306 to the finish line of the Tour de Gruene two-man time trial. The road is rough chip seal with a tiny shoulder, and totally exposed. The grade […]

Beer Season
Last Saturday I completed the last road race of the year. The Texas season starts in earnest the first weekend of February, takes a brief hiatus during the scorching summer (Austin had 69-days over 100-degrees from June through August), and […]

A Byrne-ing Passion for Bikes
And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack And you may find yourself in another part of the world And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile And you may find yourself in a […]

Social Cyclists
The ties that bind cyclists are physical in nature, friendships forged over long miles and on remote roads. But while our relationships remain rooted in tangible items—steel, asphalt, sweat—we increasingly nurture them through digital mediums. “The things that are driving […]